Wednesday 16 January 2013

Everything WEDDINGS

Heyyyy everybody !

I haven't done a blog in literally forever and I am so sorry but I have had a lot of exams.
How was your Christmas Holidays ?
This year, two friends who I met in Plum village last summer which is a Buddhist retreat in the south of France and they came to stay with us, so everyday me and my cousin showed they around mainly London but also Brighton.

This is my auntie's Wedding August 2012

The married couple and all of the purple bridesmaids!
Dress from Tammy BHS. This dress is one shouldered and has ruffles on one strap and the other is a just a plain purple elastic one.

Here I am wearing a River Island dress, sparkly diamante high heels and a purple flower in my hair.
I really love this dress because it felt so summery and it was perfect for the sunny day. I think the heart neck line makes it look really cute and i'm not sure if you can see the detail on the upper bodice but that was a really nice touch.

This is my first blog with picture that I actually are in or took , hopefully I will be doing some more of these in the future!



  1. Hey Katie! Lovely post, it's so much fun to read your stories (:
    xoxo Irene

  2. Irene!!!
    How are you?
    Thank you, I love your blog it is so professional and I love your style :)


    1. Ahww thankyou katie! I started following with bloglovin'
      Im fine and how about you? It's freeeezing cold here haha
      And in london?

    2. I sign up to bloglovin' too and followed you ;) I saw your new fashion post, lots of snow in your pictures, apparently it will snow tonight, hopefully!



  3. I really like your blogs their so inteiesting

  4. You should do it about customized conversion!! Xox

  5. What's a customised conversion?

  6. i mean customized converse lol sorryy spelling :) xo

  7. lol okaii! One time I designed my own converses on their official but they didn't ship to UK *sigh but htis girl in my class has her name on her converses

  8. oooohhhh that sounds nice my ones have diomands on the toe. xox
