Sunday 20 January 2013

Everything DIY

Hello everybody,

How was your Sunday? I did a bit of DIY today on my backpack.

Backpack - Accessorize, Belt - Vera Moda 
I think that I have had my aztec backpack for a year now and I got it shopping with Lauren, in accessorize while there was a "special offer" spend £30 or more and get £5 off so I brought it for £29 *Bargain. In the Boxing Day sales I managed to got his belt from Vera Moda for £2! I just love the bright blue colour however I didn't realise till I got home that it was too long for me and my bag fastener was literally breaking apart. 

I was absolutely devastated when I realised that I couldn't really wear my back pack anymore because the bag fastener was falling to pieces and it would be a nightmare if it broke then my bag would be wide open. So instead of an unpicker I used a pair of scissors to take the broken bag faster off *sigh 

  Haribo Tangtastics *NOMNOM

 I didn't end up sewing the bright blue belt onto my bag, the belt was too thick and tough so I kinda broke the the needle and bent the pin.. Instead I used super glue! So much easier and quicker. I tried out a focus and Background blur setting on my camera, what do you think? In the background you can see how i cut the top and the bottom off the belt so that when I glue it onto my bag it will actually buckle up like a belt, just as it did before.

I love the finishing touch I put on my bag, I found this button which says "wear me, work me, love me"and it is the same colour as the belt.

1. Get and belt and but off the appropriate amount off the top and bottom.
2. Use superglue to stick the two pieces of the belt where you want
3. Add accessories and your own personal touches

I hope you enjoyed this post and that I have inspired you to upcycle your favourite bag which needs fixing.



  1. Omggg your a genius and your very creative :) i cnt wait to read your next blog!!!!:D Xox

  2. Thank mel yeahhh and I love it thanks why I started a blog :)
